Wednesday 15 May 2024



I will try!
To be brave not to cry!
I am not going to bow!
But, how?
Oh God!
Heavenly King and Lord!
But why?
Of all people, our hero has to die?
Mothers and fathers!
Sisters and brothers!
What a painful sigh!!
Like I,
Sour hearts, feeling blue?
Hurting heads getting cruel?
Is it too bitter to you?
I know what to do!
Hold hands to pull through!
Squeeze and hold!
Our fears have come true.
Cruel World!
Oh my eyes!
My eyes hurt!
My eyes flame-burn
Asrat - gone not to return.
On two cheeks like blood
My hot tears flood.
Let’s pay the surgeon his due
There is one thing we can do.
Gird our loins right!
Like heroes, like knights
Like soldiers who fight!
Let's keep his candlelight!


Tribute to Professor Asrat
From grief stricken Wondimu Mekonnen